dewa RDP

Best Price-Performance VPS & Dedicated Servers

Kekuatan Khusus untuk Kesuksesan Anda: VPS Dedicated. Sumber Daya Tidak Terbagi untuk Kinerja Optimal. Dapatkan Kendali Penuh dan Keamanan yang Ditingkatkan. Solusi Kustom untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Bisnis Anda.

recommendation package for YOUR website

VPS Dedicated memberikan fondasi yang kuat bagi bisnis dan proyek online Anda. Dengan sumber daya yang sepenuhnya didedikasikan untuk Anda, Anda tidak perlu berbagi kecepatan atau kapasitas dengan orang lain. Ini berarti kinerja maksimal untuk situs web, aplikasi, dan layanan Anda. Kendalikan server Anda dengan kendali total, mengatur lingkungan sesuai kebutuhan Anda, dan menjalankan aplikasi atau layanan khusus tanpa batasan. Dengan VPS Dedicated, Anda memiliki fleksibilitas dan kebebasan untuk mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengguna Anda sekaligus menjaga keamanan dan stabilitas.

The price of the VPS Package that we offer to you

root access

RDP spex dewa
Cheap VPS
  • 2 CPU
  • 2 Gb Ram
  • 60 SSD
  • Ubuntu 18 x 64
  • Debian 9.7 x64
  • Centos 7 x 64
  • 3 TeraByte BandWith

7US$ (100k IDR)

root access

RDP spex dewa
Cheap VPS
  • 2 CPU
  • 4 Gb Ram
  • 80 SSD
  • Ubuntu 18 x 64
  • Debian 9.7 x64
  • Centos 7 x 64
  • 4 TeraByte BandWith

9US$ (125k IDR)

root access

RDP spex dewa
Cheap VPS
  • 4 CPU
  • 8 Gb Ram
  • 160 SSD
  • Ubuntu 18 x 64
  • Debian 9.7 x64
  • Centos 7 x 64
  • 5 TeraByte BandWith

15US$ (225K IDR)

root access

RDP spex dewa
Cheap VPS
  • 6 CPU
  • 16 Gb Ram
  • 320 SSD
  • Ubuntu 18 x 64
  • Debian 9.7 x64
  • Centos 7 x 64
  • 6 TeraByte BandWith

24US$ (350k IDR)

Server location

  • Singapore
  • India
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • USA

Frequently asked questions to us

Does RDP here have full access?
Of course . we provide RDP with full access to our customers, and we will refund your money if the RDP we provide to you does not have full access
Will I be guided if I don’t know how to access RDP on my computer?
Yes of course, we will guide you until you can access RDP, via your computer
How long can I access my RDP once I have made a payment?
After you make a payment we will immediately process your order, about 15 minutes to 35 minutes our system will cancel automatically if the process is more than 24 hours
Can I get my money back?
The refund process can be carried out if the legal requirements are met, for example in the event that RDP is disrupted due to a full number of client orders, RDP suddenly dies before it’s time to die and you don’t get a replacement from us,
The refund process cannot be accepted while the RDP is still active, the RDP is replaced with a new one, the user violates our TOS

Showing 1–6 of 22 results